Buste in carta di Amalfi colorate. Tutti i colori attualmente in produzione disponibili all'acquisto. Dimensione 12x18 cm. Con la caratteristica pattina di chiusura dai bordi intonsi. Continue reading...

How to recognize the true Amalfi paper? Authenticity Guide 4 March 2025 – Posted in: News

Those looking for authentic Amalfi Paper know that it is not just a handmade paper, but a unique product linked to a centuries-old tradition. However, with increasing demand, it is not uncommon to come across papers that imitate its appearance without respecting its original workmanship. But how do you recognize an authentic sheet? More importantly, where can it still be found today, made as it once was? The features of the real Amalfi Paper Each…

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Etching Technique 12 February 2021 – Posted in: News

Engraving plays a special role in the evolution of art history and the community, being itself strongly connected to the invention of modern printing. With the term etching, we mean a particular process of engraving, on plates of various metals (copper, zinc) covered by a layer of wax, achieved by the action of nitric acid in correspondence of the signs hollowed in the coverage on the latter surface. For this technique is generally preferred to…

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Time square - pastel painting by andrea pascucci Continue reading...

What paper to use for pastels? 31 January 2021 – Posted in: News

Many artists new to this intriguing medium wonder about the right paper to use to enhance their paintings and the characteristics of their chosen pastels. In this short page I will try to list the main requirements that a medium should have for this use. The prerogative of the “paper” for this use is the grainy texture of the sheet. This characteristic is of fundamental importance and will allow, during the rubbing and the release…

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How to write wedding invitations correctly 14 January 2021 – Posted in: News

The wedding invitation is the presentation of your wedding that will let the recipient know the importance of the event. It is a decision not to be underestimated for the couple, since from its form will be perceived also the style that will have the wedding ceremony. not to be underestimated.. The common mistake not to make is to think that no one will give importance to the elegance of this essential step, which is…

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Art on Amalfi Paper 3 November 2020 – Posted in: News

This blog was born from the assumption to make Amalfi’s handmade paper better and better known and to describe its qualities, highlighting the results that can derive from it. We thought to do this by showing you periodically and exclusively our works, ready to be exhibited in your homes and the result of the artistic creations of Andrea Pascucci that makes this valuable support the starting point of his paintings, highlighting the characteristics with different…

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